Golden knight

“We are committed to provide Quality Unani and Ayurvedic medicinal formulations!!!”


“We always believe in Quality”

Golden Knight Stamina Prash 125gm


Are you looking for the best natural sexual product?
Tykhe Healthcare’s Golden Knights Male Enhancer is the best Herbal product that produces amazing results while promoting good health.

All men want to have a good sexual performance, but there are many factors that can contribute to conditions like erectile dysfunction. Reduced libido, inability to sustain erections for long periods, and low stamina are common challenges men often face, which in turn can produce insecurities and other mental blockers.

With this in mind, it’s important to find a male enhancement supplement that doesn’t put you at risk. Many Sexual supplements have been labeled as unsafe for long-term use, so you have to treat carefully in order to find the best alternative. Instead of relying on unsafe supplements, you can always opt for natural male enhancement that regulates the circulatory system and supports the body’s innate sex drive.

Golden Knights is a powerful botanical formula designed to boost men’s libido and enhance sexual performance. This natural male supplement can enhance your natural sex drive, boost your energy levels, and increase stamina, all while supporting healthy blood circulation.

Experience long-lasting libido, boost your stamina, improve performance, and enjoy a more satisfying sex life with Golden Nights Male Enhancement Chywanprash.

Benefit of Golden Nights :

  • Maximum sexual stimulant for men
  • Improves vigour and vitality
  • It helps in promoting the ultimate sex desire and speed up the arousal
  • Removes debility due masturbation
  • Strengthens He nerve and removes general debility
  • Control premature ejaculation
  • Increases sexual stamina and energy
  • Increases the density of semen and sperm count.
  • Treat Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence


One Tea spoonful (10gm) to be taken before 2 hrs of intercourse / Sex . Do not swallow to be chewed with cold milk or As directed by physician.


Syrup And Teblets.

100 % Natural!           No Side Effect !!            Sugar Free !!!

Golden Nights has got all that a man wants from a health supplement. It is a successful and unique formulation of rare and precious herbs that works as a natural sex enhancer. Its unique formulation helps in resolving all of your sex related problems and makes your married and sex life more enjoyable and fulfilled. Golden Nights works as Unani herbal tonic which gives you completely satisfaction of your sexual problems. Golden Nights has been in development for over 5 years and was very effective in improving sexual disabilities like Erectile Dysfunction, Low Libido, Impotency, low sperm count etc. It contains a special blend of natural herbs and extracts which are act as natural sex enhancers or aphrodisiacs.

Golden Knight is a natural product which might help in restoring energy and may improve vitality, physical strength and stamina in men.

Ingredients of Pakiza Unani Golden Knight:

  • Asgandh Nagori and Aqar Qarah
  • Safed Musli, Taal Makhana, Gokhru powder and Lajwanti
  • Loha bhasma, Triwang Bhasm and Mandoor bhasma
  • Kalonji, Jawetri, Maal Kagni, Dalchini and Jaifal
  • Bedana, Pumba Dana, Beej band, Kawachbeej
  • Suranjan, Sighadakhushk, Dhavda Gond and Azraki
  • Zanjabeel and Kali Moosli
  • Badam and Magze Kharbooja
  • Roomi Mastagi, Behman Surkh, Behman Sufed and Salab Punja, Qand Sufed, Tudari
  • Indian Ginseng: also called ashwagandha

Dosage of Pakiza Unani Golden Knight: One Tea spoonful (10 gm) to be taken 2 hrs before intercourse/ Sex.

Precautions of Pakiza Golden Knight:
Do not over dosage the recommended dose.
Keep away from children’s reach.
Self medication is not recommended.
Store in dry and cool place.
Close medicine cap tightly after every use.
Keep medicine in original package and container.


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